Monday, August 10, 2009

Yellow shoes and the bounty of my harvest

I just HAD to show you these adorable shoes I picked up for 50 percent off at a small shop in downtown Coeur D'Alene:

Aren't they just the cutest???! I can wear them with so many of my skirts and dresses, and they're perfect for dressing up my jeans.

Okay, here's the real subject of my post. Even though we've struggled with our garden this year, we were still able to get a few things out of it. Other than the many, many baby tomatoes we've eaten, and the lovely raspberries (of which the season is, sadly, over), and the lettuce and other random herbs, we also picked this big guy:

and these -
Kidding, kidding. We don't have a lemon tree. Can those even grow in this climate?
And this, growing on what we thought was a zucchini plant:

Any idea what it is? It's the color of an acorn squash, but not really the right shape. It has a harder shell, so definitely not anything close to a zucchini. A prize - or maybe just kudos - to whoever figures it out first!